
Wednesday, November 10, 2021



By Takesure Matewa 

Born J. Murali in India on the 14th of February 1989,Treeman is among many environmentally conscious global citizens who have decided to take global warming head-on.

Treeman who said he almost died between the rocks under a tree when his mother couldn't bear the labor pains anymore and had to give birth under a tree got his connection and love for trees because of what happened on that day.

 A tree became his and many other people's maternity ward. 

One good reason he has this undying and strong connection with trees.

As world leaders are meeting in Glasgow discussing how to tackle Climate Change at the COP 26 conference, In India there is a man who is tackling it in action!

A true hero indeed!!

Treeman is fighting this imminent global disaster through his amazing initiative of planting trees in all vacant pieces of land, basically turning any empty and bare piece of land into a forest-Amazing isn't it?

"I started this initiative in 2017 " remarked Treeman with a wide smile on his face.

"The first step was to turn my land into a forest" he added.

"I planted about 100 trees as a start-up on that piece of land"

Just like most heroes, Treeman was inspired by someone and he told me that he drew his inspiration from sir Nammazhvar

"There are very special collaborative individuals and organizations that are always walking with me in this journey and I want to give special mention to them," he said.

"These people are Sherry Bollerud, David Tracy, Theresa Gliha, Fletch Fletch, and The Paradise Restoration Movement Team from Sweden Claudia Wutkowska, Jonathan Tolleson, and Sanna Scholander  who are the largest group supporting me in planting trees at a large scale."

"I am grateful to all the above-mentioned people and organizations for always supporting me in my work of planting trees." 

Since he started looking for pieces of land and turning them into forests, he estimates the number of trees he has planted to over 4000 a number that could see this world getting a significant number of trees if we can have 400 men and women like Treeman from each country!

His success story wasn't going to be an easy one without his dear friends Natalia and Hector who are very supportive of what he does.

Treeman's vision is bold and clear -"Today it is very difficult to green India and the whole planet without the cooperation of the people," he said.

"They graze their livestock mainly sheep and cattle and they end up feeding them on the forests " That is a major challenge.

"We are giving people who are willing to convert their pieces of land into forests for free" added Treeman.

"We also go and do the planting of saplings for those who wish to have them planted for them but can not do it due to different circumstances "

Treeman has also planted forests for different individuals and organizations. 

One organization he has planted trees on their behalf is Paradise Restoration Movement.
Treeman can plant trees for anyone around the world if the land is available.

You can choose if you want the tree or forest to be named after you or your organization 

He sincerely appeals to readers and everyone around the world to help him plant more trees so that we can all bring back the glory and beauty of our planet whilst combating global warming 

Those who want to get in touch with this Reforestation Warrior can find him on Facebook

We would love to hear your thoughts about what this great fighter is doing, Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments box below 

If you have any interesting stories also leave your comment or email address we will contact you. 

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