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Sunday, November 21, 2021


Solar Panels, Inverter, and Solar battery 

Batteries and Inverters

With constant power cuts are popularly known as load shedding being common in most African countries people have started embracing the use of alternative clean energy -the solar energy 

Solar panels mounted on rooftops, inverters and  batteries are the major components of a good solar system. 


Solar systems collect energy from the sun.

The collected energy is either converted to electricity by silicon cells covered by a tightly fitted and sealed glass casing that protects them from direct contact with impurities like dust and water.

Sunlight +Silicon Cells = Photovoltaic effect


Inverters play a very important role in changing the direct current(DC) produced by solar panels to alternating current (AC) needed by most home appliances and tools.

There are different sizes of inverters that are available on the market.

Solar Batteries

In most cases, the power produced goes to the grid and goes directly to your appliances and tools.

However, there is a need to store excess power 

Batteries act as a power bank and store all the excess power. The power is then used later in the night when solar panels can no longer generate any electricity until the next morning when the sun rises again.

This means that batteries are another important component of a solar system, Without them we won't have power at night hence the need to invest in strong, reliable and adequate batteries for our solar system

If you invest more panels, a high quality and strong inverter and more batteries you can get a good amount of power.

For consultancy visit Enviro-Clean Energy Consultants


Abe The Soothsayer said...

I am working on a project in Soweto.

Galaxy Media Africa said...

Hi Abe,We would be happy to hear more about your project and maybe feature you in this publication

Wishing you the best with your project

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