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Wednesday, December 1, 2021


Wild Mushrooms are a popular dish in most parts of Africa. They can be used to make delicious mushrooms stews.

 Uncontrolled  fires cause a lot of damage to the natural environment 

The damage includes habitat loss  and death of  animals and insects, Vegetation destruction, and depletion of certain plants and species like mushrooms 

Growing up in the rural area we used to pick up mushrooms just a stone throw away from my late grandmother's hut but over the years as people started to cause uncontrolled wildfires around their fields in preparation for cultivating their fields the distance that we had to travel to go and pick up the mushrooms started to increase. 

Honey mongers also contributed to those fires as they use fire smoke to intoxicate bees so that they could steal honey from beehives without getting stung too much.

Often those honey mongers would make a huge bonfire around the beehive in the forests so that they can get heat, light, and more importantly, the smoke they believed would intoxicate the bees and make them less harmful when they started tempering with their hive.

Those fires would be left burning unattended and ended up spreading burning the whole forest. 

Little did those who started those fires know that they were immensely contributing to the destruction of nature and extinction of certain species whose seeds they were constantly burning. 

Today because of uncontrolled fires we no longer have the beautiful fauna and flora we grew up admiring. 

The rainfall pattern has also changed to a point that subsistence farmers who depend on natural rainfall can no longer plan when to plant their crops because they can't correctly predict the dates when the first rains would fall.

This all can be fixed if we start giving nature its space and let it exist without too much human interference.

Let's all restore the natural glory of our natural world by stopping and preventing uncontrolled wildfires.

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